Top 10 Books on My Winter TBR (2019)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

It’s so hard to believe that the year is almost over. Since I’m starting my graduate program in January, I don’t think I’ll be able to get to all the books I was hoping to be reading this winter. You can bet I will try my best though. I’ve already shared my entire mostly fixed TBR for this month so here’s another 10 books that I’m hoping to pick up soon.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Top 10 Books On My Winter TBR:

Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill: Why do I only read fantasy books in the winter? This one sounds so amazing! When Britta is caught poaching on the king’s land, she is tasked with finding her father’s killer for her freedom. Yet, not everything is as it seems. This is the first in a trilogy.

Jane Anonymous by Laurie Faria Stolarz (1/7/20): Stolarz is one of my all-time favorite authors. I’ve read almost everything she’s ever written (not including some of her anthology works) and it’s been a few years since she’s published anything so I can’t wait to read her newest book!

Night Spinner by Addie Thorley (2/11/20): A retelling of The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Need I say more?

Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa: I’m not entirely sure about this one. There’s probably going to be talking animals in this and one of the elements I dislike in books would be talking animals. However, I received the book in one of those reading subscription boxes and I want to at least give it a go before passing it along to someone else. And who knows—maybe it’ll be a new favorite.

Map of Days by Ransom Riggs: When I finished the third book, I thought the story was over. Yet, this fourth book released and I couldn’t have been happier. Not only do we get an entirely new story arc set in America but full color pictures as well. I can’t wait to see what Riggs do with all my favorite characters.

Enchantee by Gita Trelease: During the winter time, I tend to consume more darker books like fantasy or paranormal than other times of the year so I’m hoping to get to this one. It’s set in France during 1789, where Camille decides to use dark magic to get the medicine her sister needs. It sounds amazing and I’ve seen quite a few great reviews of it.

Don’t Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno: I heard this one was a bit like Jane the Virgin and I love that show so I have a pretty good feeling that this book will definitely be a win for me.

Wild Savage Stars by Kristina Perez: This is one sequel I’ve definitely been waiting for, and still I have it sitting on my shelf since it released. Wild Savage Stars is the second book to Sweet Black Waves, a retelling of the tragedy, Tristan and Iseult. Plus, Perez adds a bit of magic in the story as well to make it truly special.

The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg: I heard a bit about this one when it first released but it’s been pretty quiet since then. However, I’m so intrigued by the premise that I recently purchased it and intend to read it soon. Imagine Disney World of the future, in the science fiction genre. I rarely read science fiction but this one sounds so interesting that I have to make an exception.

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer (1/7/20): One of my most anticipated sequels of next year will be released bright and early so I won’t have to wait long! A Curse So Dark and Lonely, a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, was one of my favorites this year and judging by the sequel’s title, I’m scared/excited to see what Kemmerer has in store for us!

What are you reading this winter?

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  1. Looked Shadow of the Fox up on Amazon and it looks intriguing. If I feel like spending eight bucks I might give it a try.

  2. I haven't read any of these yet, but they all sound amazing! Happy Reading! :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!
