Tackling My TBR: September 2019

Friday, September 06, 2019

Tackling My TBR is a monthly post, where I share my reading plans for the upcoming month. The concept of a TBR Jar is not a new one. I’ve seen it used in various ways throughout the bookish community. My jar will be a little different. The goal is to read the older books on my to-read pile. Thus, instead of putting individual book titles on a small sheet of paper to place in the jar, I wrote a month and a year on each. Each month, I intend to pull three sheets of paper from my jar which will dictate which three books I will read. The dates on the paper correspond with the date I added those books to my Goodreads account. Some months will have over 20 books to choose from, when others may have only one. From Goodreads, I’ll choose the three books from the three different monthly hauls. And if I cannot complete the book within the month, it will be unhauled (with the exception of one pass each month).

In August, I tackled books from my March 2016, July 2013, and May 2016 book hauls. August was such a busy month. Though, surprisingly, I was able to tackle two books right in the beginning of the month. The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson, and Sarah Rees Brennan was a fun read. I adore everything about Magnus Bane so to have a short story collection of his misadventures was endless fun. And then I was able to find an audiobook of Unrivaled—if I was physically reading the book, I think I would have DNFed it. Alyson Noel is one of my auto-buy authors but Unrivaled was all about the glitz and glam of a reality show that fell incredibly lack luster for me. There was way too much drama and not enough story to make me interested in reading the sequel. As for Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige, I also was able to find a copy on audio but the library took it back before I was able to get to it. I’m now on the waiting list to borrow a copy and hopefully, I will get to it in September.

From the jar, I picked April 2015, December 2017, and March 2018 book hauls. From there I chose the following books:

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen: By this time last year, I read all of the classics on my new year’s list but this year, I’ve barely picked up any classics. Mansfield Park has been on my TBR for a long time. Next to Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park was always one of my favorite movies. Now I can’t wait to see how the film compares to the book.

The Book Jumper by Mechthild Glaser: I purchased this on a whim because the cover is just so gorgeous. It sounds a bit like book inception and I'm always up to reading a book about books. Plus, it's translated from German.

The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: The final book of the Mara Dyer trilogy. I reread The first Mara Dyer this year and raced through the second one. It’s one crazy ride and I’m here for all the mindblowing things Mara Dyer is going to get up to.


Contemporary-a-thon is hosted by booktubers: ChelseaDollingReads, MelToTheAny, Pages and Pens, and MyReadingisOdd. Here’s the announcement and challenges for the readathon:

This readathon takes place between September 23rd to the 29th. Participants have to read all contemporary novels. There are 7 challenges for the readathon. Here’s the books I hope to get to:

Read a 2019 release: Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith
Read a contemporary with yellow on the cover: More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
Read a diverse contemporary: Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo
Read a contemporary with an illustrated cover: Prince Charming by Rachel Hawkins

Read a dark/hard-hitting contemporary: Shutter by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Read a contemporary with plants on the cover: Saving Zoe by Alyson Noel
Read a contemporary that is beloved by a member of the book community (a big shoutout to Chelsea from ChelseaDollingReads; after her praise of this book, I just had to purchase a copy!): The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
And, finally, if I get to it: To Be Honest by Maggie Ann Martin

What are you reading this month?

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