Divergent Book Discussion (24)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Today's Topic:
I have a real problem with Eric trying to make Al sound brave. Personally, I think that suicide is the most selfish act that a human can go through with, and the most cowardly. Committing suicide is taking the “easy” way out of a life that one believes to be not worth living, depressing, sad, or whatever else the person thinks. There is always something that each person can look forward to and have a reason for living; no one has the excuse to say that there is nothing for them in life. I mean, as far as humans know right now, we only get one shot a life, like a YOLO token in life, so why waste it by cutting yourself off short on that kind of opportunity? You can never see all the beautiful, fun, and enjoyable things that life has to offer if you never give yourself the chance to just LIVE LIFE, and make the most out of every moment you have.
I like the “awake”view Four has on fear. But, I’ve got to say, he did freak me out a bit when he was describing the thrill of seeing someone alive because of how afraid they were. Then again, I guess I understand what he is saying. When you can see the fear in someone else’s eyes, you do sort of get a rush of adrenaline and feel somewhat excited that they are fearful of something because this means that this person is vulnerable in some way. Four was right though about Tris doing a better job of hiding her Abnegation side, because if she doesn’t, that may end up getting her killed, which would not be good at all. It would ruin my ship of Tris and Four! I like that Four knows what drives Tris’s bravery, and gets to those points so that Tris can protect herself and end up making it through initiation. By the way, I think Four is definitely Divergent. I mean there is no way he is fully Dauntless because he is way too smart for this faction. Anyway, I like that Four comforts Tris since she kind of just needed someone to be there for her after the day’s events and all. You go Four! (Hehe this reminded me of “You go Glen Coco!”)
Overall, how do you feel about Al?