Girl Unmoored by Jennifer Gooch Hummer Giveaway

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Giveaway Time!

I reviewed this novel yesterday (HERE) and wanted to share it with one lucky winner.  Look what you will get:

signed copy of Girl Unmoored 
by Jennifer Gooch Hummer
Apron Bramhall has come unmoored. It’s 1985 and her mom has passed away, her evil stepmother is pregnant, and her best friend has traded her in for a newer model. Fortunately, she’s about to be saved by Jesus. Not that Jesus—the actor who plays him in Jesus Christ, Superstar. Apron is desperate to avoid the look-alike Mike (no one should look that much like Jesus unless they can perform a miracle or two), but suddenly he’s everywhere. Until one day, she’s stuck in church with him—of all places. And then something happens; Apron’s broken teenage heart blinks on for the first time since she’s been adrift. 
Mike and his grumpy boyfriend, Chad, offer her a summer job in their flower store and Apron’s world seems to calm. But when she uncovers Chad’s secret, coming of age becomes almost too much bear. She’s forced to see things the adults around her fail to—like what love really means and who is paying too much for it. --Goodreads
 Remember to pay special attention to the Contest Policy and the rules below.
  • Contest is open to anyone with a US mailing address, due to shipping costs.
  • Contest ends on 6.13.12
  • Winner will be chosen by on 6.14.12
  • Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email or a new winner will be chosen.
  • Only one winner per household!
Now, on to the fun! All you have to do is fill out the form!

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