Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
Friday, September 10, 2010
Title: Dark Flame
Author: Alyson Noel
Pages: 320
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: June 2010
via Goodreads:
I'm a sucker for covers like this. There are always curiosity when the title actually corresponds to the book. Dark Flame is clearly talking about Ever's dilemma that she has a "dark flame" for Roman that she doesn't quite understand, but just looking at this cover- it was taken literally. The contrast of the image of the candle shining bright and the character's faces which are dark seems to be symbolic in a way. (I may be totally wrong.) In this series, each cover has a image that is brighter where everything else on the cover has soft colors. It makes me enjoy seeing what cover comes next.
If you were wondering the next book in the series is titled, Night Star. It is set to release in November of 2010.
This is young adult literature and as much as I realize that, because that is all I read- there was something that bugged me throughout the entire novel. Noel's style captured the essence of teenager, Ever, but I'm sure Ever does not (if she was a real person) shrug to show every expression. I realize that teens- and I'm still one myself- shrug to say something through the way they look without really saying it. For me, there was too much shrugging. Ever shrugged for every emotion. When she was sad. When she was angry. Your get the picture. Just putting it out there that teenagers do have more expressions besides shrugging and the occasional eye-roll.
I just really hate cliff-hangers. It is called an ending and I just felt that there wasn't in the novel to show me that Ever and Damen had fixed anything. There are so many questions on what is going to happen- how is Alyson Noel going to wrap all this up? It is going to very interesting to read.
This novel is surely a must read- after you've read the rest in the series. I suggest reading the first one Evermore which is the best novel by far in the series first.
Cover: 4
Author: Alyson Noel
Pages: 320
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: June 2010
via Goodreads:
At the start of this mesmerizing new installment of the Immortals series, Ever is helping her friend Haven transition into life as an immortal. But with Haven drunk on her new powers and carelessly putting them all at risk, their friendship becomes more and more strained. At the same time, Ever delves deeper into magick in order to get control over her enemy Roman and free Damen from his power. But when the spell she casts on Roman backfires, she’s bound to her deadliest enemy. Frantic to reverse the spell the moment the moon enters a new phase, she finds her efforts are fruitless—there’s a strange, foreign pulse coursing through her, one that propels her toward Roman. Desperate to break free of this terrible curse before Damen or the twins can discover what she’s done, she turns to Jude and delves deeper and deeper into dark magick, ultimately risking everything she knows and loves—including Damen.Review:
I'm a sucker for covers like this. There are always curiosity when the title actually corresponds to the book. Dark Flame is clearly talking about Ever's dilemma that she has a "dark flame" for Roman that she doesn't quite understand, but just looking at this cover- it was taken literally. The contrast of the image of the candle shining bright and the character's faces which are dark seems to be symbolic in a way. (I may be totally wrong.) In this series, each cover has a image that is brighter where everything else on the cover has soft colors. It makes me enjoy seeing what cover comes next.
If you were wondering the next book in the series is titled, Night Star. It is set to release in November of 2010.

I just really hate cliff-hangers. It is called an ending and I just felt that there wasn't in the novel to show me that Ever and Damen had fixed anything. There are so many questions on what is going to happen- how is Alyson Noel going to wrap all this up? It is going to very interesting to read.
This novel is surely a must read- after you've read the rest in the series. I suggest reading the first one Evermore which is the best novel by far in the series first.
Cover: 4
Characters: 4
Plot: 4
Ending: 3
Overall: 4