Tackling My TBR: April 2022

Friday, April 01, 2022

Tackling My TBR is a monthly post, where I share my reading plans for the upcoming month. The concept of a TBR Jar is not a new one. I’ve seen it used in various ways throughout the bookish community. My jar is a little different. The goal is to read the older books on my to-read pile. Thus, instead of putting individual book titles on a small sheet of paper to place in the jar, I wrote a month and a year on each. Each month, I intend to pull three sheets of paper from my jar which will dictate which three books I will read. The dates on the paper correspond with the date I added those books to my Goodreads account. Some months will have over 20 books to choose from, when others may have only one. From Goodreads, I’ll choose the three books from the three different monthly hauls. And if I cannot complete the book within the month, it will be unhauled (with the exception of one pass each month).

In March, I attempted to tackle books from my June 2011, August 2015, and January 2016 book hauls. Immediately after choosing the books I was going to read, I decided to unhaul Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country by Rosalind Miles. I rarely read historical fiction and after reading some reviews, I don’t think I would have enjoyed this one at all. That left me with Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine and Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas—two books that I would love to get to. I planned on devouring both on audio but I remain on hold for the audiobooks at my local library. Therefore, I’ll have to wait and read them both at a later date (hopefully in April).

From the jar, I picked from the March 2013, February 2011, and April 2018 book hauls. From there I chose the following books:

Immortal War by Justin Somper: I’m doubling up on prompts here since I also pulled this book from my book series jar. It’s the finale of the Vampirates series and it will be awesome to finish another series. This series reads for a younger YA audience but it’s been tons of fun along the way.

Fated by Alyson Noel: I’ve been meaning to pick this one up! I’ve had it on my shelf for forever—in fact, it’s a book that’s been on my TBR the longest. I know very little about the premise but I adored reading books by Noel back in high school so I’m excited to see what she does with this new start to a series.

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier: My friend gifted this book to me a while back and recommended I read it right away. That didn’t happen but I am finally getting to it now and I’m kind of nervous. It’s a start to a daunting fantasy series that a lot of people love. I hope I love it too.

One of my goals of the new year is to finish more series. So, in addition to my TBR jar, I created a smaller jar with all the book series I want to finish this year. I plan on picking one series out each month and by the end of the year, I should have finished 12 series. In March, I picked out the conclusion to The Honors series by Rachel Caine and Ann Aguirre. It was such a disappointment, but I am happy to have finished the trilogy. This month I picked the finale of the Vampirates series by Justin Somper, Immortal War.

Orilium Readathon

The Orilium Readathon is hosted by booktuber: G at Book Roast. This readathon takes place during the entire month of April. Here is the announcement video. It’s a little complicated as participants are tasked with building their own character and then choosing a calling or career path for their character. The number of prompts or challenges vary depending on certain callings. I have decided to strive toward the Moon Warden calling. For that calling, there are 5 challenges. Here’s the books (and their challenges) I hope to get to:

Lore by Alexandra Bracken (challenge: book featuring healers): The thing about this prompt is that I won’t really know if this book is a good fit until I read it. So, I suppose I’ll read several fantasy on my TBR this month and hope one of those features healers. This book takes Greek mythology and turns it upside down as the gods and goddesses are punished to live their life as mortals. There’s a war brewing so healers should be present, I hope.

That Way Madness Lies edited by Dahlia Adler (challenge: short story/essay collection): I’ve been wanting to get to some of Adler’s anthologies for a while now. This anthology showcases several retellings of Shakespeare’s work. A lot of amazing authors are involved with this project, including Kiersten White, Tochi Onyebuchi, Anne-Marie McLemore, Melissa Bashardoust, K. Ancrum, and so many more.

The Fine Print by Lauren Asher (challenge: top of your TBR): A romance set in a theme park connects my two favorite things—love and literal rollercoasters. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to start this and April feels like the perfect time. I can’t wait!

Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall (challenge: book under 100 pages): It’s just I don’t have any books that are under 100 pages on my TBR so I decided to pick a children’s picture book that sounds incredibly moving. It follows a heart wrenching love story set in an internment camp.

Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett (challenge: book with a trope you like): I don’t know what it is but I’m always drawn to bad boy romances. This one follows Josie as she returns to the town she grew up in. After a poorly executed plan of revenge, Josie expects to be in loads of trouble but town bad boy, Lucky, takes the blame instead. And it’s written by Bennett, who I absolutely adore, so I’m expecting an adorable time.

Spring Fling-O-Ween Readathon

Spring Fling-O-Ween Readathon is hosted by booktubers: Olivia at OliviaReadsaLatte and Gabby at GabbyReads. This readathon takes place between April 27th to the 30th. Here is the announcement video. There are 3 challenges (though one is food themed and not a book prompt) for the readathon. Here’s the books (and their challenges) I hope to get to:

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (challenge: pink or yellow on the cover): I’ve been on hold for this book for eons it seems. I can’t wait to read it! I loved Red, White, and Royal Blue so my expectations are very high on this one. 

Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson (challenge: backlist horror/thriller): I read Eight Perfect Murders by Swanson last year and really enjoyed it. I’m not the biggest thriller fan so it’ll be interesting reading another thriller and seeing my thoughts. I think this one has received polarizing reviews so I’m nervous to try it out.

Apple Pie Bites (challenge: make a fall themed recipe): I found this amazing recipe and hope to give it a try during the readathon. I’m excited to see how it turns out.

What are you planning on reading this month?

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  1. Yessss! Reading more book series has been my main reading goal for 2022! It can be hard to do for sure. Daughter of the Forest looks beautiful, and I've added it to my TBR list (thank you). I have been very proud of myself for finishing my March book series challenge (even though it took me into April - lol- baby steps). It was a really exciting 3-book series called "The Forerunner" by Jay Veloso Batista (https://www.jayvelosobatista.com/). It essentially felt like three books in one and although it took me longer to read, I loved all of it. It was my first time trying a historical fantasy booked based on Vikings and Norse legend. I usually hear the word Viking and think pillaging, raiding, blood-thirsty, yada yada. And although there are some standout battles in this book, I really liked that I was shown another side of the Viking community - their cultural pride, close-knit families, and their complex belief system. However, the supernatural elements and mythology were my favorite parts! If you're looking for more book series check this out! Happy reading
