10 Books on my TBR with Nature on the Cover
Tuesday, May 18, 2021While the semester is finally over, I can't even promise that I'll begin to post more regularly because I'm taking several grad classes this summer to graduate early. However, no matter what happens, I hope you stick around because I've been reading some great books lately and would love to chat about them with you. I am getting back into the swing of things with a Top Ten Tuesday post. Yet, I am still switching it up since I chose to complete last week's prompt instead of this week's.
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: Top 10 Books With Nature on the Cover:
The Geography of Lost Things by Jessica Brody: I’m always ready for a road trip novel. I’ve never read anything by Brody, but I am excited to give this one a go. Plus, road trip novels are best read during the summer so I hope to get to this one soon.
Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich: I’ve read everything by Kurtagich thus far except for this one and it is about time I pick this one up. The synopsis is super vague. It sounds like the book follows several generations. However, besides that, I have no clue what this book is about. I’m excited to find out.
Hunted by Meagan Spooner: If it’s a retelling from a classic, you can bet that I already have it on my shelf. This one is a Beauty and the Beast retelling and it sounds lovely!
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow: When this released a year or two ago, a lot of people were hyping this up, even with mixed reviews. I couldn’t resist the gorgeous cover! And I adore portal fantasy so this sounds like it will be great for me!
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland: This one is my latest purchase; honestly, I bought it because everyone seems to be hyping it up lately. I’m excited to read this! Three sisters have mysteriously reappeared since they went missing but something isn’t what it seems.
The Cage by Megan Shepherd: I rarely read science fiction, but I am intrigued by the premise of this. A group of teens are kidnapped by aliens for a zoo exhibit. And, of course, there’s a forbidden romance thrown in somewhere too. It sounds different and it may be great! It is the first in a trilogy.
Beheld by Alex Flinn: I haven’t read a book by Flinn in a while. However, I adore how seamless Flinn is able to weave her fairytale imaginings.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black: Yes, I still haven’t read this one. I plan on getting to this one, at least, by the end of the year.
Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton: Isn’t that cover beautiful? I’ve never heard anyone talk about this book. It’s several years old and has been on my shelf for a very long time. It follows Elizabeth who doesn’t feel emotion, rather her emotions are personified. I’m not sure about the premise but we shall see.
The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron: I haven’t read a dystopian book in so long, but I still have this one on my shelf. I would love to read it someday. This is a start of a duology, where the townspeople lose their memories every 12 years. However, there is one girl who doesn’t forget.
What books do you want to read that have nature on the cover?
I hope you enjoy all of these books!
ReplyDeleteMy post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-book-titles-that-are-complete-sentences/
THE TEETH IN THE MIST cover is trippy! Very eye-catching.
ReplyDeleteHappy TTT!
Great covers, Jeanna. I see you didn't write a post this week but I fully understand. Thanks for visiting my TTT about book titles with sentences anyway.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you would have been more interested in last week's TTT, I used mainly trees.
I loved the cover for The Cruel Prince. Actually, the whole Folk of the Air series had great covers.
ReplyDeleteI've really enjoyed Dawn Kurtagich - I hope you'll like Teeth in the Mist. :)