10 Books that Need Sequels

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I adore some amazing standalone novels. However, it's very rare to read a standalone and then not want more. Like, I know it was supposed to be a standalone but I wouldn't mind a sequel. And not only with standalones. The series may have ended but where's my closure? Or ten months from now, what are those characters doing?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is: 10 Standalone Books I Wish Had a Sequel but I decided to switch things up and give you 10 Books that Need Sequels because the majority of books I read are books in a series and sometimes the series doesn't seem complete.

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon: I just want more of Dimple and Rishi. Where are they now? We are getting a companion novel that follows Rishi's brother, There's Something About Sweetie (releases 5/14/19), so let's hope for some cute cameos!

We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett: This one doesn't release until 4/2/19 but believe me, you will be wanting a sequel too when you're finished with the book. We Rule the Night was absolutely amazing. It's filled with complex relationships, fierce women, and such superb worldbuilding. I just want more of Bartlett's world!

Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram: The last time I saw Darius, he was taking us on his first trip to Iran to visit his grandparents. The book was one of my favorite debuts last year. I wouldn't mind checking in on Darius again.

Imprison the Sky by A.C. Gaughen: According to Goodreads, there hasn't been a sequel announced for this yet and no, no, there has to be. The story isn't over. I would read 10 more of these books, please.

Blacksouls by Nicole Castroman: I strictly remember writing my review with the assumption that there will be a third book because this tale of Blackbeard's origin story is not over. It doesn't feel completed. Plus, I need more of Teach and Anne!

Wires and Nerve: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer: I doubt we will get a sequel to this graphic novel. However, I adore the art in these books. It was also such a fun way to continue the Lunar Chronicles that I hope Meyer returns to this world again someday.

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly: Everyone could use more of the sleuthing couple, Jo and Eddie.

Now a Major Motion Picture by Cori McCarthy: I haven't seen anyone else mention this book in a long time, if ever. Yet, we definitely need a sequel. What's happening to all those amazing characters since this book?

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: This book was almost utter perfection. I loved it! And of course, I want more. The ending for Cruel Beauty seemed a bit rushed and if there was a sequel, we would get to see what happened afterwards. It's a retelling of Beauty and the Beast like you've never seen before.

Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch: If there was anything I could read more of, it would be romances while traveling abroad. This is a companion novel to Love and Gelato. Something I adore from Welch is that she puts the romance on the back burner while giving us a mystery to solve or some walls to break down and develop. It's a unique approach to the contemporary romance genre and I would love to read several more companion novels of hers.

Which books do you think need a sequel?

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  1. Yes, When Dimple Met Rishi definitely deserves a sequel.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  2. I only read Darius, but it was done and dusted for me. Most contemporaries are stand alones and I found out that I'm more of a fantasy kind of girl..... Here is my TTT: https://www.lauriesbookshelf.com/booktalk/en-top-ten-tuesday-standalone-books-that-need-a-sequel-epilogue/

  3. I was sadden that the publisher backed out of a third book for Nicole Castroman! I loved the series and after two years went by I started suspecting the worst!! Hate when publishers do this to us!! I can't remember Cruel Beauty real well, I did love it and I know I'd be happy with a sequel...I just can't remember all the whys! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
