Book Discussion: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (Week 11)
Thursday, May 10, 2018Welcome to the A Darker Shade of Magic book discussion! We are going to have a blast reading along together. Each week, following the schedule, my friend Jackie and I will recap that particular week’s chapters with hilarious commentary. At the end of each discussion post, there will be a few questions to get the party started. These questions serve as food for thought. All comments related to the book and this week’s chapters are always welcome! Remember: I am giving away a copy of the paperback edition of A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (for extra entries, comment below)! Now, let’s get this party started!
This week, we'll be discussing Part 11, Chapter 5 and Part 12, Chapter 1 to 4. To depict our thoughts in the most coherent way possible (after all, this is a dialogue between friends), my font color will stay black and Jackie's color will be red.
DISCLAIMER: Spoilers ahead! This post discusses this week’s chapters of A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. If you do not want to be spoiled on what happens in the book, don’t read any further.
Part 11: Chapter 5

Part 12: Chapter 1

Part 12: Chapter 2

Part 12: Chapter 3
Part 12: Chapter 4

- Since Kell used the Stone to bring Rhy back, is there now part of the Stone in Rhy?
- If no London is truly without magic, then why has no one in Gray London shown a strong affinity for it before?
- Since the Stone is now part of Kell, how do you think it can utilize Kell’s powers to follow through with its plan of domination over the London’s?