Top 10 Books On My Wishlist

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In between making cookies and wrapping gifts, I wanted to share with you my holiday book wishlist. I made this a while ago and have, time and time again, stopped myself from buying these books. Usually, I purchase all my books myself but this year, I've been behind in getting some of the more recent releases. Top Ten Tuesday is created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is: Top 10 Books I Hope Santa Brings.

Geekerella by Ashley Poston: I love retellings and haven't read a retelling of Cinderella in a long time. Geekerella is filled with twists on the famous fairy tale and I've heard nothing but amazing things about it!

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (10th anniversary edition): I know I own about two other copies of City of Bones but this edition is absolutely gorgeous! It has full-color pictures with a beautiful cover. I could stare at it all day.

Because You Love to Hate Me edited by Ameriie: This is an anthology pairing well-known Booktubers with well-known authors, sharing stories about their favorite villains. I haven't heard much about it but the idea sounds awesome so I definitely want to check it out.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (collector's edition): Another gorgeous edition that I would love to own. This collector's edition came out during the fall. I saw it at Barnes and Noble and one look of it, I knew I needed this on my shelf. It is gorgeous!

Brooding YA Hero: Becoming a Main Character (Almost) As Awesome As Me by Carrie DeRisio: Why isn't everyone talking about Brooding YA Hero? Carrie's Twitter account is such a riot and even though I almost never venture on Twitter, I will always try to make sure to catch up on her feed when I do. She is absolutely hilarious so when I heard there was a book releasing based on her Twitter feed, I couldn't have been more excited!

They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera: I haven't read a book by Silvera yet but everything he comes up with sounds fantastic.

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo: Bardugo is an amazing author. After the masterpiece that is the Six of Crows duology, she has become an auto-buy author for me. The Language of Thorns is an anthology of fairy tales that compliments her Grisha Verse series.

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green: Can you believe I haven't read this one yet? I don't even know how I haven't gotten spoiled on it yet either.

The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin: I haven't finished the Mara Dyer series yet. However, if I get this for Christmas, Mara Dyer will most definitely be a top priority so I can read the spin-off that centers around Noah Shaw, the bad boy of the series.

OwlCrate subscription: This is the ultimate gift on my bookish wishlist. Seriously, if you do not know what to get your friend who loves YA books, consider getting a box subscription. My goal is to eventually try them all but I was able to try OwlCrate subscription out this August and absolutely loved everything that was in my box.

What books are on your wishlist?

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  1. I would love an OwlCrate subscription. I can’t justify getting myself something that expensive. I hope you get all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I hear Turtles on the Way Down is very good! That one is definitely on my list. I also hear Bardugo's Wonder Woman is very good. Happy holiday reading!

  3. Ah I would love to get a book box subscription! I've had a couple of FairyLoot boxes and they've both been amazing.
    My TTT:

  4. I'm so excited to read Turtles All the Way Down! I actually bought my dad that for Christmas as he really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars, so I'll read it once he's finished with it. XD

    I hope you get some of the books on your list! <3

    My TTT post!

  5. I had a look at the special edition City of Bones the other day. I told myself I didn't want or need it, but seeing how beautiful it was, I'm tempted! The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices were everything to me in my teens but after TMI ended I didn't plan to read the future Shadowhunter books. But I keep hearing excellent things about the new series and new covers keep being released and I want to buy them all (even though I bought them all on my kindle already!).

    I've wanted to read Because You Love to Hate Me for a while but haven't bought a copy yet. Also I cannot recommend They Both Die at the End enough! Everyone has their favourite Silvera book, and that one is mine <3

    Happy holidays!
