Happy 7th Blogiversary + My Life in Books Book Tag

Friday, August 11, 2017

So I am a little late to my own party. However, I hope there’s still some cake left. The Bucket List turned 7 years old yesterday! That’s right; I’ve been blogging for 7 years. It feels almost like yesterday when I was booting up my dial-up internet to chat with other readers online for the first time about the books I was reading. Fast forward seven years and I’m still talking about books and still loving every second of it. You are what makes blogging so incredible. Without your comments, your discussions, your recommendations, I would have never made it this far. Thank you, thank you so much! It’s been a wonderful journey so let’s continue for many years to come.

I truly wanted to do something along the lines of a Q & A, similar to what Cait from PaperFury did. Seven years is a long time and you must have some questions to ask (maybe). However, I was super awkward about receiving questions or receiving none at all so I decided to do a tag instead. I love doing tags because you can save them for rainy days and all of them are super fun to fill out. I first saw the My Life in Books tag over at Novel Ink.  I hope you got a piece of cake to celebrate and while you’re chowing down, here’s My Life in Books book tag:

Find a book for each of your initials.

Count your age along your bookshelf. What book is it?

This one is hard because I don’t have just one bookshelf. (Would you be interested in a bookshelf tour? Let me know in the comments!) Actually, I have 7 bookshelves in total: 1 full size and 6 half-size. Instead of giving you 7 books from each bookshelf, I chose one bookshelf from my read books and one from my TBR.

Pick a book set in your city/state.

So now, you know where I live. I’ve always said “the middle of nowhere,” which is true except that this very-known three-day party happened here several years ago. I, almost, didn’t find out about this book but Goodreads has this search bar where you can search for settings of books. And guess how many books came out in my city/state. Just this one.

Pick a book that represents a destination you’d love to travel to.

This is a companion to Just One Day. The characters spend their time primarily in France. However, Gayle Forman really gives us a look at different parts of the world including Amsterdam and Mexico. Let’s pack our bags; I would love to jet off to all of the places described in the book.

Pick a book that’s your favorite color.

Dear Publishers, there is a color shortage in our book rainbows and that would most definitely be green. We need more green books. There is an abundance of blue and black but green and orange are missing.

Which book do you have the fondest memories of?

I am a huge fan of the movie. After watching the movie at least a hundred times, I found a worn copy in my local library and gave it a shot. Have you ever read The Princess Bride? Though the movie follows a lot of the scenes word for word, there are some parts—most likely because of time restraints—that were simply omitted. I loved the book so much that I just had to keep renewing it. I wasn’t a huge reader back in middle school. I read books for school but otherwise, I didn’t like reading that much. Gasp, I know. However, this was the first time I realized books may be better than their movies. With this epiphany, and my librarian telling me, “Jeanna, there are several great books out there, you don’t have to keep rereading this one,” I decided to try out another book of another movie that I enjoyed. And from there, my reading life started.

Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?

This is due to unlikable characters. I am 75% done with Carrie Pilby and it has taken me two weeks to complete it. It is not so difficult to read the books as it is to just get through them. I seem to race through books that I love but books I don’t enjoy take me so long.

Which book on your tbr pile will give you the biggest sense of accomplishment when you finish it?

So far, I have finished Outlander and Dragonfly in the Ember. Outlander took me months to read but Dragonfly in the Ember—with tons of forceful reading—I finished in about two weeks.  I purchase the flimsy paperbacks, mostly because I do not like how small mass-market paperbacks are. And the hardcovers, since the books are so large, feel like they are going to fall apart. These flimsy paperbacks have the smallest writing you have ever seen, with super thin pages and 800-some pages. I feel like I’ve accomplished a month’s worth of reading after reading an Outlander book.

What is the longest book you’ve ever read? What color do we need more of on book covers? Should I do a bookshelf tour? What destination do you want to travel to? I tag everyone; feel free to do this awesome tag.

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  1. Wow, 7 years! That's incredible! The Outlander books are definitely a big commitment - I've been reading Written in My Own Heart's Blood for a month now! I'm enjoying it, but it'll be nice when it's done!

  2. Congratulations! 7 years is an awesome commitment! This is a really cute post, so many fantastic books! I definitely agree with the Green books. They are so so so beautiful and there are definitely not enough of them!
