2016: The Year I'll Work For It

Friday, January 22, 2016

This post was supposed to be live by New Year’s Day but I just couldn’t bring myself to write it. It's the obligatory post which bloggers everywhere are writing about their goals of the new year.  I still see posts peppering the blogosphere about 2016 and how it will be their year. Reading all these posts are usually inspiring but being in a slump lately, just really brought me down about thinking about my own goals.  And how it seemed that everyone had goals but myself.

2015 was a good year. It was a great reading year, one of the best ones since I’ve been in college.  It was the year I graduated college.  But it was also the year I became unemployed.  You know, everyone with jobs make getting jobs look so easy.  Countless job interviews later and still not having landed one, my slump has started to take over my reading life.

Ever since I graduated, this blog has been consistently updated, something I haven’t done since high school.  I was so proud that I was about to keep it up. And, of course, I will continue to keep it up.
However, currently in a reading—and life—slump, I will be posting less reviews in the coming weeks.  One of my goals for the new year is to actually make huge changes to The Bucket List.

I want to focus on quality rather than quantity.

Since having graduated, I have focused on reading more and finding a routine. And in doing so, I have lost some of the quality posts which I used to schedule annually—starting with my annual book discussion.  The Bucket List’s annual book discussion has always been awesome to put together and it is the one place where I believe a lot of you show up to.  It’s great having the community out and ready to party. So, as much as the annual book discussion will not be this year, I will plan awesome things for next year’s return.

I want to find a passion and stick to it.

I am the type of person who has countless hobbies and will say, in all truth, that I love them all.  When I started this blog, reading was certainly something I was passionate about. And maybe it is my slump talking but not having read regularly throughout college, I feel like I look at the act of reading differently than I did before.  It certainly is still a hobby and I love books to death. However, this year I want to do some searching and truly find my current passion.  

Learn something new.

I’m doing really well with this goal so far. I’ve been doing a lot of research on blogging, as of late. Since I started this blog way back in 2010, I find that I really haven’t changed with the times.  That is definitely something that needs to change.  I’m trying to teach myself coding and learn about some other neat tricks to make your stay at The Bucket List even more enjoyable.  If you have any neat links on blogging or super tips, all comments are welcome.

Despite not having a huge list of goals that can be easily checked off, I’m making myself work for these and hopefully by the end of 2016, I will have become better at what I love.  

What are your goals for the new year?

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