Off to College

Sunday, August 21, 2011

By the time you'll read this, I'll be driving to college in a beat-up car that I hope can make it the hour and a half drive.  Or I might be unpacking my things in my new small room.  I don't know; I'll be doing something.  You might not be hearing from me for about a whole week or a bit more.  Why?  My laptop is currently broken down in a warehouse and until I get to college, I'm not quite sure about the school's computers.  I promise when I get back I will be giving away a really good book, because this week The Bucket List is turning one year old!  It's really exciting.  Go HERE for more things that I have planned. 

Also, don't forget about that you can win Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman.  Go check it out; it was such a great book!  Hopefully, I'll have some free time in between studying, classes, and other things, to actually read a book so I will be getting back into reading and reviewing full swing.  Well, so off I go.  I'll be back soon.     

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