Follow Friday and Book Blogger Tag Along (2/18/11)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hey everyone! Friday again? My how time flies... Without any further ado, here's The Bucket List's Friday hullabaloo!

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee over at Parakunkee's View. Her weekly inquiry is:
If you are a fan of Science Fiction what is your favorite book? If you haven't read Science Fiction before...any inkling to? Anything catch your eye?
Well, I don't really read a lot of science fiction, but Uglies (Uglies Book 1) by Scott Westerfield was pretty good reading! I recommend the whole Uglies series for science fiction and dystopian lovers.
"Playing on every teen’s passionate desire to look as good as everybody else, Scott Westerfeld projects a future world in which a compulsory operation at sixteen wipes out physical differences and makes everyone pretty by conforming to an ideal standard of beauty. The "New Pretties" are then free to play and party, while the younger "Uglies" look on enviously and spend the time before their own transformations in plotting mischievous tricks against their elders." -Goodreads


Laurie over at Bitten by Paranormal Romance hosts an 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along each Friday. "
We are small in number, but we do love books and other bloggers. So please if someone follows you and leaves a comment please follow back." True that, Laurie!

If you are interested in joning this conga line of reading, head over here to add your blog to the link!

What are you reading this Friday?

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  1. Hi Happy Friday! I heard good things about The Uglies I think I might give them a try.

    My FF and Blog Hops

  2. Hi Nora, just stopping by to say hello and wishh you a great weekend.

    I totally loved that Sci-fi Romance book called True Believers by Maria Zannini

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! Your's is great and I'm a new follower. I've read Uglies, but never went any farther in the series (I liked it, but I just have so many other things to read!)

  4. Hopping through. I enjoyed Uglies too, although I really don't like that particular cover.
    My Hop

  5. Newest follower here via Tag Along Friday. I am a new contemporary romance writer as well as a reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and visit my blog.

  6. Hi! I'm an old follower coming through with the 18+ over tag along. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

