New Look, Follow Friday, and Hopping!

Friday, January 07, 2011

It's Friday- yes!  The weekend is almost here- plus, Nora and I had off from school.  That is such a rare occasion for us, both of us are still wondering how to spend the day off, starting our weekend early.  So, we've done these memes before- these are two great memes for making new friends!
Before we get to the memes- look around, friends.  Notice anything different!  We got a new look- that's right, Nora's secret power of knowing html really came in handy!  The Bucket List just got a makeover!  I am so happy about this that I could probably stare at it for hours- it's so pretty.  But what do you, guys, think?  Do you like the new look, is it better than the old look?  Tell me what you think in the comments!

Now on to the memes! Is anyone ready for a hop?

Here's my hop for today:

This wonderful meme is done by Jennifer from Crazy for Books. The meme, the Book Blogger Hop is a great place for book bloggers and readers, alike, to connect and come together in the name of books!

Here's what the meme says: This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!
There is a question each week that participants are expected to respond to. I think this meme is such a great way for my fellow bloggers and my great guests to get to know me better. The question is made by Ivan of Ivan Bookworm.
What Book influenced or changed your life?  How did it influence/change you?
Hate List by Jennifer Brown (click to read what it's about!)
Why did this change my life?  Basically, there is this girl- she's going through a tough time in her life.  Her boyfriend just killed the people she hated and then killed himself.  The whole book is her trying to cope with her grief.  The message I got out of this novel was that no one should judge other people.  I know that sounds like a very cliche kind of message, but I never really was aware of how much I was judging people until I actually read this book and figured it out.  It made me look at the BIG picture of life and not just my little corner of the world.  Today, since I read this book two years ago, I'm an entirely new person.  This book changed me- for the better, I'd like to think.  I am actually so inspired by this question that I just might have to do a whole post about this book alone.  This book influenced me that much.
Another great meme is Follow Friday, which is hosted by Parajunkee over at Parajunkiee's View.

So, you guys know what to do: so here's the question!

What book(s) have you discovered lately from someone's book blog?

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
Everyone should know right now, before we go any further- I am in love with Libba Bray's books!  Ever since the Gemma Doyle series, I have been dutifully checking for more books to read that she has written.  So, I found this on someone's WOW during this week and I couldn't believe I missed this one.  It hasn't released yet, but it sounds like it is going to be epic.  Plus, it is being compared to the TV show Lost. 

I hope you enjoy hopping this weekend!  Happy following and hopping!  I'm ready to start this party!

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  1. My answer (from FF)-- My current read: Amber Frost, I found at Bitten by Books
    I am hopping by from Follow Friday. I’m following you and would love it if you follow me back! Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. I'm your newest follower from the blog hop,
    so please, when you get a chance could you follow me back?


  3. Just hopping by.

    I love your answer for the hop question. Now I want to read 'Hate List' It really does wound like an inspiring book. I feel for that girl, and I haven't even read it.

    Ella Bella

  4. Sounds like a really great book. The one that I picked for this hop is similar in the message of the one you mentioned. And even though I didn't see your old design, I really like this one :)

    Kat@ A Journey in Reading.

  5. I don't know what your blog looked like before, but it sure is pretty now! This is my first time visiting your blog, but I'm now a follower.

    Also, I have to admit, I wasn't so much a fan of Libba Bray circa the Gemma Doyle books, but since reading Going Bovine, I've totally revised my opinion. It was awesome! So I'm now looking forward to Beauty Queens. Judging from the book cover, it's gonna be awesome.

  6. Hi, thanks for coming over to FW&FD. The Hate list book sort of reminds me of Columbine. How incredibly unpleasant to have a character go through that.
    I remember once a teacher telling me that we have to judge people but how we judge is important.
    Evidence based judgments protect us. Not like, "White socks with loafers, what a loser." But, if you see a guy treating service personnel badly, or he speaks about fighting a lot it is probably a good idea not to date him. I think maybe what you are saying is more about saying bad and untrue things about people and "hating" them for being different or uncool. But, semantics aside, somehow, culturally we have come to believe that judgment is bad. But, our judicial system is built from everyday human interaction and logic (sometimes with the logic); it isn't a stand alone way of deciding culpability.

    But I am glad you feel you have changed in important ways and are more accepting than before you read this. Yay, book!
    New follower. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  7. This will probably come of something as a surprise but the book that changed/influenced my life (more than any other) is a non-fiction book. I know we all focus on novels and the fanciful fiction we love to read but The Four Work Week is the book that gets all the credit. I know the title sounds fictional but it really isn’t. Hop over to my blog and find out why –

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Day!

    Howard A. Sherman

  8. Hopping through. I love the new look. I wish I knew html - I had to hire someone to design my blog :-)
    Happy weekend!
    My Hop

  9. I had no idea how powerful The Hate List was. I will read it and push others to do the same. Dorpb by my blog, too

  10. Hi there,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have heard of The Hate List but have never read it. You have just inspired me to add it to my TBR pile. People who say books have no influence on us doesn't read.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Hey there. I'm an old follower just hopping by. Hope your weekend has been awesome!
    Gaming Gabby's Blog
