Teaser Tuesday (Ash)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Our Teaser Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should be Reading feature's Melinda Lo's debut novel Ash. Teaser Tuesday's rules are as follows:
1. Grab what you are currently reading and open to a random page
2. Share 2 sentences from that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
"She wanted to kick the gravestone; she wanted to tear
out the earth beneath which her mother lay and pull
the body out of the ground and shake it until it gave her
an answer. She fell to the ground again and dug her
fingers into the winter-hard earth, scrabbling at the soil
until her fingers began to bleed.
The ground would not come up. It was frozen. Her
mother was dead."
Ash is a retelling of the well-known story of Cinderella, a classic fairy tale princess in distress. It begins in the wake after the death of her mother, and soon after, her father. Life with her wicked stepmother is harsh, but it is the only thing she has, besides her dreams. Ash is only alive when she is asleep and the faeries she meets there who promise to save her. They do, and she meets Sidhean, a powerful faerie who she believes can make her dreams come true. However, this version has a twist. To quote Goodreads, Ash "must make a choice between fairy tale dreams and true love" in this powerful new novel by Melinda Lo.
Happy readings!